Friday, April 26, 2013

Couch Surfing Virgin

When I started this blog, I started it while sitting in my wife's aunt's garage. At the time I didn't think of what I was doing as couch surfing but then it was brought to my attention, I'm not paying anything, I'm here temporarily and I'm living out of luggage. So technically we are no longer couch surfing virgins. Now for me this is the way to do it, if you ever decide to roam the world one stop at a time, a good way to find out if you can do it is by living out of a suitcase for a week or two while staying with a friend, relative or try to couch surf in your home country and visit places near you before you leave.

I always seem to learn my lessons "after the fact" but learning is a process and this one is mine! That is what this blog is about afterall, learning about what to do and what NOT to do with the latter being the one people will learn the most here. We aren't exactly living out of our luggage here because we do have a car to drive and more "stuff" with us then I would like but it's a process too right? You have to start somewhere and the perfect time and place is here and now no matter when or where it is. Procrastination has kept me from doing a lot of things and instead of complaining about it, I have tried to find "silver lining" in the things I do or don't do. I try to reason with myself and explain why I do whatever it is that I do but when I talk about it to others I get "don't make excuses" or "procrastination is defined by missed opportunities." I'm having a hard time seeing what everyone else sees because in my humble opinion, I do the things when I am ready to do them, and while I may miss doing one thing, I end up doing another. Putting things off to do at the last minute isn't what this posting is about but for those of you out there that have issues with that, get ready for fun because traveling doesn't leave much room for people who do move at a different pace. While it may not bother you or I, when traveling and staying with others it will bother them so remember to always think about your hosts or travel mates.

I haven't attempted to really dig into couchsurfing to much at this point mainly because when I travel I will be with my wife and I can't help but think that people that are hosting couch surfers would prefer to have singles rather than a married couple. To my surprise, just like with everything else there are exceptions. That's why if you want to know... ASK. Being a bit stubborn has slowed me down a little so I tend to get in my own way and take longer to get the things I want. In life there are many paths, this one is mine. As you read, watch and listen to my blog you will see the peaks and valleys in my journey. I plan on trying my hand at couchsurfing, help exchange, travel blogging and running my websites while meeting people all over the world and if my plan doesn't go according to plan then I guess plans changed. Enjoy your plans!!

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